Warmly welcome to LevelUpGarden.com.
We are here to help millions of people around the world learn how to grow and care for plants then take their gardens to the next level.
Our writers and photographers from around the globe share their knowledge and gardening tips with you.
Here you will find informative articles, guides, best-of-lists, in-depth reviews, and many other types of articles providing well-researched information and our honest opinions. We present this information in a way that is easy to read and makes it easy for you to find the information you are looking for.

This website is perfect for you if:
- You want to grow your own food or vegetables in your garden
- You want to prevent garden pests, diseases, and problems
- You want to learn creative gardening techniques
- Do you want to buy a new garden tool but are not sure which one to buy or which one is the best for your project? Perhaps something that works for your neighbor is not the best for you. However, do not be afraid! We are always publishing well-researched, tried, tested and truthful articles that compare lists of tools and other articles to narrow down your search. We will provide you with the confidence you need to make the right choice for your project.
- Do you require a specific tool or item for your house or garden, but you are not sure which one is the best? With our comparative and contrasting product reviews, you will gather the answers you are searching for.
- Are you looking for something fun to read, but also to find inspiration for your next garden? We have detailed lists of the best articles about gardening available for readers to view. Everything in a single, easy-to-read article with beautiful pictures to go with the list.
- You would like a community of people who are as active in the outdoors as you are? If so, you have found them. You can find everything and anything that has to do with camping, barbecue, gardening, lawn care, etc. Just say the word, if it is possible in the garden, then we are there.
This is definitely a place for garden enthusiasts and outdoor enthusiasts to come together to find the best content on the Internet. With a talented team of writers and editors, each with their own background in design, gardening, barbecuing and even landscaping, this is the place to be.
We are dedicated to providing our readers with the best content and promise to write fun and highly informative articles. It is our promise that you will go home with a happy and educated feeling.
At levelupgarden, we have Gardening, Plant Encyclopedia, and Garden Accessories categories which we spend thousands of hours doing research, testing, and presenting you with an honest point of view about plants, gardening know-how, and garden tool reviews.
- In the Gardening section, you will learn about beautiful annual and perennial flowers, bulbs and roses, trees, shrubs, and ground covers for a garden show all year round.
- In the Plant Encyclopedia section, you can find your plants A-Z the easy way, by their common and scientific or botanical names. We are thoroughly studying certain plant varieties to meet your needs and interests, such as annual and perennial plants, edible and ornamental plants, evergreen and flowering flowers, shrubs, trees, and anything else that comes in between.
- For someone who is looking for gardening tools, Garden Accessories is the right place for you. It’s where you can find valuable information about the tool and honest reviews with thorough research and tests. You can also grab our favorite garden tools and materials, thorough instructions on the best garden furniture and decorative items.
Connect With Level Up Garden
Along with the blog, we also run a weekly gardening newsletter and we are on a few different social networks.
- Follow us on Instagram, where we share gardening tips and photos from LevelUpGarden community members who use the #levelupgarden hashtag.
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel, where we release gardening videos as often as possible.
- Subscribe to the LevelUpGarden newsletter for weekly updates, giveaways, and more.
- Follow us on Pinterest, Twitter for more gardening inspiration.
Make sure you like Level Up Garden on Facebook so you are updated each time we publish or update a new blog post worth sharing.
For now, check out the blog first and enjoy all the wonderful things you can do with plants indoors and outdoors!
Let’s get growing and enjoy the new level of your garden!